Magento 2 Object Manager: What is It?

Magento 2 is an advanced and complex e-commerce platform that provides a lot of flexibility to developers. One of the key components of Magento 2 is the Object Manager, which is used to manage the creation and manipulation of objects in the system. We will explore the Object Manager and how it works , and also discuss when and how to use it in your code.

What is the Object Manager in Magento 2?

The Object Manager is a central component of Magento 2’s architecture that is responsible for creating and managing objects in the system. It is used to resolve dependencies, manage object lifecycle, and provide a way to access and manipulate objects. The Object Manager can be used to create objects from classes, manage instances of objects, and manage the relationships between objects.

How Does the Object Manager Work in Magento 2?

The Object Manager uses a Dependency Injection (DI) container to manage objects in the system. When an object is created, the Object Manager uses the class name and constructor parameters to determine the dependencies of the object and creates the necessary objects to satisfy these dependencies. This process is called instantiation.

Once the dependencies have been satisfied, the Object Manager will return an instance of the object to the caller. This instance can be used to call methods, access properties, and manipulate the object as needed.

When to Use the Object Manager

The Object Manager is a powerful tool for developers, but it should be used with caution. It is recommended to use the Object Manager only in cases where it is not possible to use other methods, such as factory methods, proxies, or plain old PHP classes (POPOs).

For example, you can use the Object Manager to create an instance of a class that is not directly available through a factory method or proxy. You can also use the Object Manager to access objects that are not directly available in the code, such as classes that are part of the Magento 2 core.

How to Use the Object Manager in Magento 2

To use the Object Manager in your code, you need to access it first. You can access the Object Manager using the \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager class. Here is an example of how to create an instance of a class using the Object Manager:


namespace Vendor\Module\Controller\Index;

use Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action;
use Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager;

class Index extends Action
    public function execute()
        $objectManager = ObjectManager::getInstance();
        $exampleClass = $objectManager->create('Vendor\Module\Example\Class');
        // Use the $exampleClass object as needed

In this example, we are using the getInstance method to get the Object Manager, and then using the create method to create an instance of the Vendor\Module\Example\Class class.


The Object Manager is a powerful component of the Magento 2 architecture that provides a lot of flexibility to developers. You can use the Object Manager to make your code more efficient and maintainable. However, it is important to use the Object Manager with caution, as it can make the code harder to understand and maintain if used excessively.

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