Author name: Ghulam M

graphql store config

Magento 2 graphQl fetch Store Configuration

The Magento 2 GraphQL call that returns store configuration values is an extremely useful tool for developers who need to access the configuration settings of a store. By utilizing this call, developers can easily retrieve information about the store’s base URL, currency code, product display options, and more. The call returns a JSON object that …

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Magento 2.4.6 Release

Exploring the Latest Improvements in Magento 2.4.6

Highlights: 2.4.6-beta test environment Adobe Commerce 2.4.6-beta has been tested against the following component versions: Summary of Security Enhancements for Adobe Commerce 2.4.6: Platform enhancements Performance and scalability enhancements in Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 release are as follows: You can further see the details on their official site

Magento 2 File permission

Magento 2 File Permissions: Secure and Efficient Deployment Guide

Magento 2, the latest version of the popular e-commerce platform, has been designed to be more secure, efficient and scalable than its predecessor. However, one important aspect of deploying a Magento 2 store is ensuring the correct file permissions are set. This is because the correct file permissions can help prevent security breaches, improve performance, …

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